“A refreshingly compassionate way of seeing the world.” - Indies Today



Connect with yourself.

Discovery always begins with the self. At Northwest Wisdom, we cultivate an experience with room for you to delve inward. Through spiritual counseling, yoga, meditation, contemplative hiking, reiki, and reflection, we help you learn to listen to your body and allow its gentle healing. We all have traumas: family, religious, childhood, racialized, sexual. These traumas are stored in our body. At Northwest Wisdom, we provide techniques and tools to approach our wounds in a spiritual way.

Connect with others.

Connect with like-minded people, pursuing non-dualistic spirituality. We come from the wisdom tradition and seek to give people a safe place to pursue spirituality, solitude and healing through community. Come for a retreat, or just a get away, and experience the divine through relationship. Healing is always a shared experience.

Connect with the earth.

The earth often shows us deeper truths about our self. At Northwest Wisdom, we help show you how to connect with the earth and learn about the spiritual patterns at a macro level, so you can begin to heal at the micro level. The divine is often hidden in plain sight. We care about cultivating an earth for future generations to experience.

“the body contains our past emotions healing work creates space for the release of what we felt long ago”

—Yung Pueblo